Dallas-area jail latest law enforcement agency to choose GUARDIAN RFID for compliance efficiency with Texas Jail Standards and the Sandra Bland Act.

MAPLE GROVE, Minn., May 15, 2018 /PRNewswire—GUARDIAN RFID, the global leader in inmate management and tracking systems, today announce Hill Co. Sheriff's Office in Hillsboro, Texas, has chosen GUARDIAN RFID for its detention facility.

Located 60 miles outside Dallas, Hill Co. Jail has an average daily population of 250 inmates. Hill Co. will be using GUARDIAN RFID to maximize staff productivity, and increase compliance efficiency with Texas Jail Standards and the Sandra Bland Act, while eliminating its paper-based logs.

Hill Co. is deploying SPARTAN, the ultra-rugged Android from GUARDIAN RFID running Mobile Command software, including hardened RFID tags strategically deployed throughout the facility to automate a wide range of data collection and reporting, including security checks and cell checks, headcounts, inmate programs attendance, and other inmate activity logging.

The deployment of GUARDIAN RFID also includes integration with their jail management system, Odyssey, from Tyler Technologies.

Chief Deputy RD White chose GUARDIAN RFID for its powerful, Cloud-based reporting capabilities, inmate identification support with RFID Wristbands, and integration with their enterprise software. GUARDIAN RFID will also help centralize a wide range of inmate management responsibilities including recreation tracking, which is a core component of Texas Jail Standards.

The GUARDIAN RFID Cloud, OnDemand, will also help Hill Co. gain real-time situational awareness, monitor security round performance, and access activity streams and reporting tools from anywhere.

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About Hill Co. Sheriff's Office

Hill Co. Sheriff's Office runs a 250-bed pre-trial adult detention facility located in Hillsboro, Texas. The agency is led by Sheriff Rodney Watson. For more information, visit http://www.co.hill.tx.us/default.aspx?Hill_County/Sheriff


GUARDIAN RFID is the leader in managing, monitoring, and tracking inmates in-custody to mitigate risk, maximize defensibility, and strengthen compliance. Endorsed by National Sheriffs' Association.

For more information, visit https://guardianrfid.com or call 855-777-RFID (7343).

GUARDIAN RFID, SPARTAN, Mobile Command, “One Team, One Mission,” and “Warrior Technology” are trademarks of GUARDIAN RFID. For more information, visit guardianrfid.com/legal. All rights reserved. Patented and patents-pending.