Mobile Inmate Tracking
Automate your data collection objectives.
Eliminate manual or paper-based logging, improve communication, and gain real-time insight.

Activity Logging
Automate your data collection objectives.
Capture every action, event, and observation everywhere you are.

Automate formal and informal counts with blazing speed.
Maximize speed, accuracy, and precision with scheduled and unscheduled headcounts - all in real-time.

Cell Checks and Guard Tour
Location and inmate-specific observations.
Automate your security checks and cell checks with unrivaled power, speed, and precision - integrating imaging, video, and talk-to-text.
Inmate Identification
RFID identification for every use case and budget.
Electronically and visually identify and manage your inmate population on your budget.
Inmate Tracking Movements
Inmate Tracking for Movements & Transports.
Efficiently capture and record inmate specific movements with real-time and historical reporting.

Compliance Monitoring
Data creates defensibility. Data fuels insight.
Access your staff’s performance from anywhere, on any device, all in real-time.

Command Staff
Protect and empower you and your staff - Any size budget.
Maximize compliance with state and national corrections standards while streamlining your inmate management with technology that’s simple, powerful, and fully customizable.
Jail Administrator
Make every team member more efficient, knowledgeable, and productive.
Maximize compliance with jail standards, PREA, and ACA accreditation, and streamline your inmate management with technology that’s simple, powerful, and fully customizable.
Quickly access insights to supervise inmate populations of every size.
Know what inmates and staff are doing to ensure safety, security and compliance.

Deputy/Line Officer
You are on the front lines. Command, control, and lead.
Protect yourself with records that demonstrate compliance and maximize your defensibility.
IT Services
Leverage the power of RFID + Cloud + Mobile.
Streamline your inmate management with technology that’s simple, powerful, and fast to deploy.