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Pill Call

Maximize patient safety and staff defensibility.

Defensible eMars reporting.
No more paper logs.
No more MARs.    

On average, 40% of inmates have a prescription medication. From complaints of not getting their medications to delays in getting their medications, investigating medication-based issues can consume a great deal of your time, resources, and focus.

Logging pill call Accepts with inmate signture? No problem. What about logging Declines during pill call? We got you covered.

Corrections professionals commonly work with on-staff medical professionals, providers, or outside contractors. To maximize your protection, COs can use Mobile Command on SPARTAN to log whether offenders Accept or Decline pill call. You can scan an inmate’s RFID card or RFID wristband, or manually swipe accepts and declines. 

This approach often runs in parallel with an electronic medication administration records (eMARs) solution, such as Medication Manager, or a comprehensive electronic health records system (EHR). Data generated by COs stays within your GUARDIAN RFID platform for corrections-specific reporting, while data captured by medical professionals will remain in the eMAR or EHR/EMR.

Logging Medication Administration During Pill Call with a EHR/EMR 

If your medical staff is using an EHR or EMR, and you want to extend your GUARDIAN RFID powered inmate identification to a third-party system, deploy our ForceField Desktop Readers to write a unique digital code to the RFID tag. Connect a ForceField Desktop Reader to each laptop running the EHR/EMR. The EHR/EMR will auto-identify the inmate instantly, pulling up their medical chart to assist in identifying quickly and accurately the correct inmate and their medication needs.

Logging Medication Administration During Pill Call with GUARDIAN RFID

Create electronic medication orders in GUARDIAN RFID from anywhere, on any device, which will auto-sync to Mobile Command. Medical staff or corrections staff can jointly administer medication requirements based on administration time. From knowing dosage levels, to route frequency, and time of administration, you can scan or select the inmate and their medication needs quickly and securely. Every medication administration record is stored in the GUARDIAN RFID Cloud for real-time and historical reporting.

Check our this Shift Briefing with Greg Piper.

Let's look at some of the benefits over paper logging and MARs. It just may answer some of your questions!

Watch Medication Manager in action at Buffalo County Sherrif’s Office

"Documentation is key in a correctional facility," according to Chief Deputy Dan Schleusener, Buffalo Co. Sheriff's Office (Kearney, Nebraska). The Buffalo Co. Jail team migrated away from paper logs and an iButton-based guard tour system to streamline cell checks, medication administration records, and inmate activity logging in real-time to maximize their defensibility.