Reimagined and Rebuilt: Mobile Compliance Monitor
One of the most-requested features in Command Cloud is better than ever.
Completing rounds is one of the most important duties a correctional officer can carry out. It is the bedrock of sound inmate management, and there’s likely no greater responsibility in the profession of corrections than safeguarding inmate welfare.
This is why Mobile Compliance Monitor is one of the most highly anticipated features of Command Cloud.
What is Mobile Compliance Monitor?
Mobile Compliance Monitor, or MCM, has been completely rebuilt and reimagined, extending our longstanding monitoring capabilities in Mobile Command XR. MCM lets you know precisely how much time is remaining between rounds, helping to ensure they are completed thoroughly and on-time.
MCM features an intuitive, color-coded display of locations that tell you when and where checks are due. Green indicates sufficient time remaining, but yellow indicates time is running short. Red means you’re out of time, and now late. The amount of time remaining is based on a configurable value we call “Max Check Time.” MCM calculates the Max Check Time against the last time the location or inmate was checked.

Every good correctional officer knows and has been trained to conduct staggered, irregular rounds. This means varying your start time so it’s not repetitive or alternating the travel path of your rounds. Inmates are highly observant. They’ll watch our behavior patterns, anticipating when rounds will be conducted with accuracy.
And that is one of the most common problems with certain “rounds” or “guard tour” systems: they’re programmed to capture electronic checks at predefined intervals – say every 15, 30, 45, or 60 minutes. Maybe they’ll sound an alarm at those intervals – maybe not. Log a check at 16 minutes. You’re late. Log a check at 14 or 15 minutes, you’re ok. But it’s that level of predictability that creates the problem with many modern “rounds” systems. Guard tour systems essentially schedule when a check is due – whether it needs to be performed on the quarter hour, half hour, or on the hour. We never want a correctional officer’s work cadence to be anticipated by inmates.
That’s why the concept of Max Check Time is important. Mobile Compliance Monitor does not want you to exceed the Max Check Time. But it also doesn’t care when you capture a security check or observation check – so long as Max Check Time isn’t violated.

Max Check Time is also reflective of an inmate’s classification status or the classification of the housing location. So if an inmate is placed in administrative segregation and needs to be checked every 15 minutes, a special icon is displayed in MCM that you can tap to know the inmate’s name and profile information. Mobile Compliance Monitor also shows you which inmates are on special status, such as Suicide Watch, Razor Restriction, or any number of other things staff need to be aware of at all times.
One of the most powerful features of MCM is the ability to build configurable warnings. These warnings inform staff about upcoming rounds that are due through an audible alert or to ensure discrete monitoring, vibration (or haptic) feedback is provided - because the last thing we need is for inmates to know when we’re about to perform rounds. For example, MCM allows you to set parameters like Max Check Time. You can also determine when you want notification warnings about checks coming due.
As you conduct security rounds, the checks with the most time remaining fall to the bottom of MCM, and those with the least amount of time left are at the top. This ensures that checks that need to be done soon are always the most visible. This is an example of a core tenet of the officer experience platform (OXP): helping officers focus on what they need to know, and what they need to do.
Jail inspectors in most states have high expectations: no late checks.
They also understand that late checks may occur, and when they do, they expect to understand why. However, most facilities do not consistently log late check justifications. With Mobile Compliance Monitor, if you’re late with checks, you can capture late check justifications at the point of responsibility – immediately in the moment. System administrators can require staff to log justifications for all late checks, including if there’s more than one explanation for late checks during the same round.

Another widely requested feature of Mobile Command XR is the ability to scan Hard Tags to complete security checks when you’re already using another module. Let’s say you’re logging a meal pass to a dorm of 20 inmates and you know that your rounds are almost due. Rather than exiting out of the meal pass, you can take your SPARTAN 3 and scan any number of Hard Tags while you’re actively in the meals module. The locations of the Hard Tags you scan appear on screen, sync to the Cloud, then fade away.
And regardless of your state of connectivity, Mobile Compliance Monitor works offline and online. So if you're outside of Wi-Fi coverage, have a loss of power, have a loss of Internet, or all of the above, MCM will continue to operate unfettered, helping your team maximize its compliance and defensibility when it comes to performing one of the most frequent and important safety responsibilities in inmate management.
Mobile Compliance Monitor in Mobile Command XR is a game-changing capability for correctional officers at all levels of responsibility. MCM gives you the insights you need to perform security checks and observation checks on time and at staggered, irregular intervals, minimize late and missed checks but capture late check justifications when needed, and automatically update MCM observation frequencies that vary based on inmate classification levels.