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Maximize your defensibility and patient safety.

Defensible eMARs reporting. Reduce medication errors.
Real-time access to critical information.

Cloud-based medication administration.

Create and manage your electronic medication orders from any device. Define administration times, medication allergies, dosage, frequencies, routes, and more. Update and discontinue existing orders.

Defensible eMars reporting

Powerful reporting.

Build medication administration reports from anywhere on any device, including active and historical medication administration records. Auditing reports track pill counts for compliance and accountability. Export reports and email to providers and other medical staff.

Learn More About Reporting

Mobile administration.

Use Mobile Command to pass scheduled medication orders and over-the-counter medications at the point of responsibility. Providers, nursing staff, and detention staff can pass med orders and OTC medications on SPARTAN. View on-time, late, and missed medications from anywhere.

Learn More about Mobile Command

Electronic Signature Capture.

To maximize your protection, capture electronic signatures from inmates to verify med pass completion whether offenders Accept or Decline pill call. You can scan an inmate’s RFID card or RFID wristband, or manually swipe accepts and declines. Sync med records automatically via Wi-Fi or docking cradle.

Auto-ID inmates by RFID wristband or RFID Card.

Increase patient safety and operational efficiency. Scan inmates by RFID Wristband or RFID Cards to identify and verify inmates, and automatically view their medication requirements.

Build and customize your medication database.

Customize your medication database by modifying ours or import your own. Get up and running within minutes, and eliminate your paper-based MARs.

Get Started

Data collection on medication watch inmates.

Log inmate-specific observations on medication watch inmates. Define max check frequencies and manage your rounding performance via Compliance Monitor.

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Sgt. Piper - Shift Briefing

Medical Manager vs. Paper MARs